Wednesday, November 5, 2008

We call them hermies

I now own hermit crabs. Two of them. Xavier is the large one and Echo is the small one, though both are relatively small. My girlfriend and I have decided to make them hippie crabs. They have a hammock hanging from palm trees, a little cute crab pool and some beach balls to conserve moisture.

Apparently, a large majority of people think hermit crabs are just little disposable, expendable creatures. Not true. My hermies have character. They like attention. They sleep close to each other. And they after I take them out of their cage for play time I give them a vanilla cookie and then they are all like, nom nom nom nom nom.

I will never again come home to an empty apartment. Sometimes I just can't wait to see what they've been up to all day. At this time in my life, I could not ask for better best buds than Xavier and Echo.

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