Thursday, October 2, 2008


I enjoy public speaking. To capture an audience is truly amazing. I would really enjoy being a lobbyist. For something worthwhile, of course. The experience of selling discourse to the public is especially interesting to me. Though, it makes me doubt the perceptions of the common folks, serfs some would suggest. Just because people are easily manipulated does that mean they deserve to be? Certainly no! Unless they are specifically benefited from said manipulation. It's like giving an unwilling dog heart worm pills. It will eat it's "special" food and be worm free. Yeah, that makes sense. That's my post for today. Sometimes you have to hide the helpful pill.


Anonymous said...

That is why we don't vote for the Messiah Barack Obama. Have you seen the new video of the kids signing about Obama?! Can we say 1984?

adam pope said...

So you're advocating McCain/Palin?

Dave said...

hells yea i am