A fear struck me as I read Joe Klein's newest essay in Time, and I thought, "Holy Lord! He is right!" The reality of our political future struck me: As a nation we always want our ideal self -- what we think our lives should be, not where they should be headed -- and thinking irrationally like that will give us time and time again the same results. The past.
I understand all individuals who vote want change. But, any look beyond the thin superficial surface can see that the change americans want is toward better times. Unfortunately, for most of us, that means the past, or some vision of the american past.
Mr. Klein makes several references to "small town america" and how Mrs. Palin represents this. When any empirical research shows there is no more small town america. It does not exist. We are suburban. We live in cities. Sure, many of us would like to believe we live in small towns, but we don't.
Who is Mrs. Palin talking to? An america that only exists in the past. An america that only exists in our heads.
1 comment:
Nice one Adam! Y'know, whenever I hear ol' McCain/Bush rant I get scared, but it's comfort to hear the personal views of someone who actually thinks about the issues instead of simply acting out of fear.
Anyhow welcome to the online 'adampope' community, Adam. Featuring a:
london photographer
country blues singer
sports journalist from leeds
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and, perhaps most welcome, your good self.
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