Ironically enough, my ethics professor asked if Hitler could take over in america today.
I thought it would be juvenile to respond immediately, so I waited in silent agony to reveal to the class my political fervor.

"Oh yeah!" I replied euphemistically. To be like Hitler all one would need to do is: 1)execute a false flag operation 2) Initiate an US v. Them propaganda. a.k.a. another race or religion is wrong. 3) action.
I'm not so callused or naive to make the Bush is Hitler argument.
All I'm saying is that the United States government had specific knowledge of events and individuals whom were complicit in the events.
The evidence is there.
My arguments were more accepted today than they were four years ago.
Thankfully, a man wearing an Investigate 9/11 t-shirt supported my ideas.
Time will only unveil more facts about the true events that happened that day, but unfortunately, by that time it may be too late to undo any actions this country has taken based on false information.
I'm not trying to bring down the government. All I want to know is what caused world trade center building 7 to collapse? Please, give me a plausible scenario. Anyone?
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