Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Bored and Awake

It's 2am and I am not tired. My fiancée is sleeping in the next room and all I can think about is how much a want to go for a run. I would be satisfied with only 20min., but would be extraordinarily happy with 2hrs of cardio.

I've been thinking of working out more often. Well, pretty much everything is more often. I've been thinking about fasting more often ('cause many articles on the Internet say how good it is to fast), and I've been thinking about how gross my body is much more frequently.

However, the most important strategy to overcome personal rhetoric is to reframe negative ideas i.e stomach becomes abdomen.

I am writing now and concidering the impacts of going to the gym. i would also like to cuddle up with my sweetheart for a cozy night. Hmmm.

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