There have been many stories written lately regarding who is at fault for the recession. TIME (I subscribe, so I quote them often), believes a large majority is wall street, the Economist says corporations brought hell to earth, but despite who is a part of the "blame list's" the number one remains... us.
Individuals living beyond their means have brought us to this point.
Not every child needs their own room.
One bathroom is not required for every person.
Each car does not need a garage.
Simple principles; if followed with not lead to financial ruin.
I know I make an unnecessary purchase from time to time (tattoos), but be self-aware.
As Time columnist Justin Fox put it, We're living in a one strike and you're out system. That's only true, however, if you live the American way (that is, to live beyond your means.)
We've bankrupted the banks!
The most beneficial action we can take now is to pay our bills.
It's time for America to grow up.